Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Music Rant

Ok I have been feeling a certain way about music for quite some time. If you read my earlier post you will see that I have a particular taste in music. I started with soul oldies, moved to pop and rap in the 80's then pretty much just floated through the 90's with rap. Here we are in the new millinium, and  I find myself at a crossroads. I understand that what I'm about to say is only my opinion, so I hope you will find something sprinkled in here that will peak your intrest, or spark a meaningful debate. Now that I have the formalities out the way, I shall begin. In the mid 90's or so rap began to take on this persona of this how  much money I have why don't you? I understand that the main idea of rap is to brag, and be as manly as possible. What changed is that they went from bragging about what made them special and different to look what I got. I will admit that I enjoyed what was coming out at the time, and I also concede that some very influential artist were produced during this time period. I believe the problem began when big record labels began to heavily invest in this mindset, and concept. The proof is that although rappers don't wear shiny suits anymore, they continue to throw money at the television, and flaunt materialistic items that 98% of the people who purchase there music can't afford. It is similiar to society in that the people with the money try to tell people without money how they should live not realizing that it is fucking silly! Back to rap, this rant occured to me the other day when I was watching the tube, and a particular artist (who I will not mention their name) had a video come on, and all they did was talk about how much money they got, and how much I don't have. Before I continue I am by no stretch of the imagination a 'hater'(as George Bush would say), but I am someone who works hard for my lil piece and change, and spend quite a bit of this change on music. So tell me how would you feel if the guy that you are helping get rich turns around and says you suck, because I have more money than you. I understand that isn't necessarily what he is saying, but doesn't it get awkward after awhile when someone you jam to is always telling you how silly he can be, because he or she has the money we gave them and thows it back in your face?! This rant can be seen as a gross over-generalization, because they could be referring to sucker mc's (I'm sorry there aren't any more mc's, just rappers). I will do a post just to clarify the latter, but I digress. Now back to us as consumers, the only reason they get away with it is because we let them, much like the government. See, record labels decide who they want to be hot. You say, 'well how do they do that, I'm my own person I do what I want to do.' Wrong, by flooding the airwaves, and appealing to your visual stimuli they present to you what they want you to see therefore leaving you little to no choice in the matter. Don't get me wrong I like a good beat just like the next person, but the content is important!!! Just something I wanted to get off my chest.Oh yeah by the way stop supporting auto tune!!!!! Let Peter Frampton and Roger Troutman have that.... it's so 1980's! Stay tuned for my well overdue music review.

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